Grooming Leadership | Session 86 | 8 April 2022
A Compilation by Ambika Singh Rajawat, Participant, Book Reading Session 27.
In today’s session, Dr SumitGoel (Author of the book- I wanna grow up once again, an homeopath doctor, a leader, teacher & life coach) guided all the youngsters in many aspects.
Key points :
- Mantra- The 4 A’s :- Awareness|Acceptance|Action& Attitude
- Our perceptions lead to our default behavioural pattern.
- Prepare in advance for the responsibility you are about to take up.
- Set a Mission Statement.
- Make YOUR responsibility YOUR everything.
- The qualities of a leader are- Integrity, Decisiveness, A good listener and good communicator.
Take aways :
DrKiran Bedi Quotes:
- “Every failure leads you closer to success.”
- “Exercise your choices with awareness. “
- “Today, leadership includes combined quotient of head & heart.”
Saina Bharucha Summary:
- “Make informed choices.”
- “Fortify your inside.”
- “You must know the strength of your team as a leader.”
- “Understand yourself. Work on yourself. Your greatest asset is your mind.”
- Grooming Leadership is a series of interactive sessions of Dr. Kiran Bedi with youth. This youth engagement focuses on – Fearless Governance the latest book authored by Dr Kiran Bedi and aims to groom youth to be future leaders- their challenges | solutions | changing dynamics | adaptation and usage of the available resources.