Life and Living

Life and Living


The key is in your hands.
Unlock your inside to get aligned with your life circumstances.
We need to embrace our reality the way it is and let go of the false beliefs and illusions.
Get past the illusion and know what does not serve the soul.

Do not be someone you are not. Get terrifyingly real about the calling of your soul.

Hard tough decisions can be made with love.
Still your mind and your heart.
Prepare yourself to receive divine grace and love.

Be willing to do the required work.

Appreciate and honor your uniqueness and allow truth to flow through your life.
Fear is a very depleting emotion.
Face your fears and work towards them.
Make way for grace to flow through.
Go forward with peace.
Here your faith plays a defining role in your life.
Be both… be a lover and a warrior of life.

Spirituality is pure wisdom. It makes you who you are.
Seek more and more of them.

Respect the power of now.
Move forward keeping the end in mind.
Learn From life’s tests and trials.
Endure it all and learn the lessons.
Let all your learnings bring forth the real you… your authentic self.

Be a keen learner.
Absorb and soak in life.
Be a bearer of love and truth.
Value your being.
Walk your path.
Pain teaches us resilience.
Be a true survivor.

Feel the blessing of gratitude for what you’ve gained through your darkest period.
Ask yourself, does your life and the way you live it nourish your soul?
Does it take you closer home?
Does it nourish and nurture your faith?
Does it lead you to a state of divine acceptance and surrender?

Keep life productive and simple.
Keep it all functional.
Self reliance is a must.
Learn more skills required for your reality and blue print.
Have your priorities for your own self very clear.
Be extremely realistic about your way of life and living.
Apply wisdom and mindfulness to your day to day life.

Keep doing your bit.
Crave for devotion.
The fire or energy created by it should make you feel safe and secure.

Develop a mindset where you can live your true authentic self and rise above the negative forces.
Have a brave heart.
Live a brave life.
All elements in one’s being should strengthen us and not work against us.
Strength of character in all aspects is supreme.
Prayers help us to forgive our own being while forgiving others.
Be kind to yourself to give back.
Search and seek for inner peace in everything you do!
